
First of all, green tea is useful to drink, as it is a powerful antioxidant (compared to black tea), and also has a beneficial effect on the human body when used correctly.

• Each drinking cup of green tea helps to strengthen immunity, helps protect the body from viruses and bacteria, and also helps in the treatment of colds.

• Healthy green tea and for the thyroid, thanks to its unique composition.

• Regular use of green tea has a positive effect on the health of the oral cavity (teeth, gums), as it contains a considerable content of fluorine (but this useful property is controversial and 100% not yet is proven).

• The great benefit of green tea for the digestive system, it helps to fight against dysbacteriosis, as well as for therapeutic purposes use green tea in poisoning.

• Green tea affects blood pressure (lowers it), which is relevant for people suffering from hypertension.

• Green tea is useful for vessels, strengthens the walls of vessels and helps to remove harmful cholesterol.

• Green tea is useful for smokers, as it helps protect the lungs from harmful resins and nicotine, and is also useful for people who often consume alcohol (helps protect the liver and recover it after “excessive loads”).

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Differences of leaf tea from granular can be briefly expressed with the following phrase


Differences of leaf tea from granular can be briefly expressed with the following phrase: granular tea — for fortress, leafy — for aroma


Leaf tea  less strong and tart than tea in granules, but it has a more pronounced aroma and smell


Many varieties of green tea differ by the conditions of their cultivation, harvesting and further processing.