
The impact of caffeine on the human body is slightly weaker compared to the coffee beans, however, it lasts longer. It should be taken into consideration that black tea perfectly strengthens blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on heart. Moreover, regular use of black tea can reduce the possibility of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Black tea actively stimulates the renewal and development of the endothelium, the so-called thin layer of the vascular cells that line our blood vessels. Futhermore, high-quality varieties of black tea usually contain the substance called quercetin, which can prevent the rapid formation of dangerous blood clots.

There is no doubt that black tea is a powerful destroyer of different harmful bacteria and bad breath. That is why it is highly recommended to use tea as a mouthwash after smoking a cigarette.

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Green tea is useful to drink, as it is a powerful antioxidant (compared to black tea), and also has a beneficial effect on the human body when used correctly.